

“I was looking for a special edge for my son so I took him to Lightning Athleticism to see Cemil who is their head coach for what was to be 10 week strength and conditioning sessions. After 4 weeks when all the development started to appear I realised that I would be mad to stop all this beautiful layers of goodness Lightning Athleticism was putting on my boy. The training has become our core training both in the off and on season for my child. My son is aiming for youth league next year and Lightning Athleticism’s speed, strength and agility training has become one of the most important weekly session for my son. I was pleasantly surprised with his dramatic improvements and ecstatic with the new solid foundation Lightning Athleticism has provided for my son to build his soccer career on. Thank you Cemil we will tell everyone about this.”

Cathleen SANTOSO
NSW State Junior Golf Champion

“Mr Cemil Simsek from Lightning Athleticism is something I could never take for granted. I’m a 16 year old girl who is striving to become the world’s top professional golfer. Only one year ago I realised I needed something to bring me ahead of the rest of the field and I knew a Personal Trainer was the answer. By training with Cemil, my body is open to a whole new level of physical challenges which also helps me mentally. He has also provided me with nutritional guides in conjunction with my type and amount of training. I find everything he has taught and yet to teach really beneficial to not only my golf but my day to day agenda. I recommend him to anyone with any type of goals, whether they are big or small. It’s a guarantee that you will improve in every way if you train with Lightning Athleticism”

Blacktown City Football Club First Grade Squad Member (NSW Premier League)

“I started training with Lightning Athleticism’s conditioning coach Cemil at the age of 14 years old to improve my physical strength, speed and endurance so that I can be in the best possible physical condition to achieve my ultimate goal to become a professional footballer. Since training with Cemil I have improved my ability to jump higher to head the ball, turn quicker, stronger on the ball, fitter and faster. Thanks to Lightning Athleticism’s sport conditioning program and nutritional advice over the past few years I have now achieved my first objective which was to break into one of NSW Premier League team’s first grade squad by the age of 17. : ) I have not just improved my physical condition by training with Cemil, I have also learned a lot from his nutritional advice, on and off season condition programs, reaching my peak performance at the right time, to being more focused and disciplined athlete which I’m very grateful for. Thanks a lot Cemil for all your help and hard work you put in for me.”

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